Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Inspired by Ancient Cultures

This watercolor was done on site in Dion, Greece during my 2006-07 sabbatical.  I included a number of works from Greece in my solo exhibit at Gray Gallery of Quincy University.  The solo show was called "Journeys."

Magical Thailand

While teaching two months in Thailand this year at Srinakharinwirot University in Bangkok, I finished about ninety watercolors and started others that will be part of a new series.  Everything in Thailand is inspiring:  the people, the history and culture, the astounding ancient and modern temples, the enormous statues of Lord Buddha, the lush vegetation, flowers, exotic fruits, wonderful cuisine.

I focused on the ancient culture, working on week-ends at ancient sites away from Bangkok. I always work right at ancient ruins or temples, preferring to capture the essence of what is before me. Eight of the Thailand watercolors were seen in my solo show at the Gray Gallery of Quincy University.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ken Holder- Posses and War Parties

Reported by Ashley Fishman, art major, ISU

Ken Holder has a new solo exhibition of paintings and artist's books at the MCAC from January 14 through February 19, 2011. He taught painting in the School of Art at Illinois State University from 1969 to 1998. He got his BFA from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth and his MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He grew up in Texas, but currently works and lives in Illinois. His reoccurring themes in the works on display are of horses and the wild west. His style is very minimalistic, and his paint handling is very fluid. Holder created several books of works inspired by the Lewis & Clark trail.

He also plays banjo in a band called Old Men Boyz that played at the opening of his show.
Below you'll see some pictures taken at his current exhibition.

If you'd like to read more about this show, and a interview with Ken Holder, please click here

Shades of Summer

The McLean County Art Center is holding a Juried Watercolor Exhibition from June 24-August 6th. This show is a great opportunity for both professional and amateur artists alike. The entry fee is $25, but the juror's choice award is $600, and the two merit awards are $200 each.
The deadline for entries is April 29, and I have heavily encouraged all my students to submit something, since this is such a great chance for up-and-coming artists to get their name published.
For more information, and the full entry form, click here.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Active Painting

A Month of Sunday Walks features the quick impressions of illustrator and author Leanne Shapton as she walks the area of the Titucus Reservoir in N. Y.  I can't tell of the paintings are done in gouache or acrylic, but they are fresh impressions that give us inspiration to do art work every day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jack and Linda Ritter Collection

Imagine living with thousand of works of art.  Jack and Linda Ritter of Bloomington, Illinois do. William Butler, executive director of the Contemporary Art Center of Peoria, invited the Ritters to exhibit over 40 works by Illinois artists at the CAC from their impressive collection of several thousand works of art covering most media: paintings, drawings, prints, sculpture, glass, ceramics and mixed media works.

The  exhibit opened Friday, January 8 with a gallery talk by the Ritters. It was illuminating to hear how Jack and Linda found work at auctions, special exhibits and from artists' studios.  They love art and it shows.  I have two of my paintings in their collection as do many artists in our area. The  exhibit continues until Friday, February 25, 2011. It is a wonderful show and compliments the other shows at the CAC.
This is one of my favorite artists, "Uncle Bob" who is in the exhibit.  He is long retired and took numerous classes from me and Ken Holder at ISU.  One of his art works hangs outside the President's office at Hovey Hall on campus. Uncle Bob Hardgrove is alive and well and lives in New Jersey.  One of my former student's, Sigrid Wonsil, is archiving Uncle Bob's large inventory of works.