Watercolor Explorers' Club
You are cordially invited to participate in the inaugural session of the Watercolor Explorers' Club. We have an auspicious beginning: the Ewing Cultural Center has invited us to premier at the Ewing Mansion, so save the date:
Date/Time: Friday, March 22, 10 AM to 12 Noon.
Location: The Ewing Cultural Center is on the corner of Emerson and Towanda Streets
in Bloomington.
in Bloomington.
Morning's Itinerary: Executive Director Toni Tucker will give us a short tour of Mrs. Ewing's watercolor collection. Following the tour, we will paint at Ewing, in their spacious conference room.
Topic: Choosing subjects that have meaning to you. Please bring family heirlooms or mementoes from your travels. I will make a group still life to which you add your special heirlooms or mementos. We will paint from our specialized still life and I will review watercolor and composition basics and my demo will focus on mixing vivid colors.
Cost/reservations: All Watercolors Explorers’ Club events cost $25 per session. An optional 1/2 hr group mini-critique will follow for anyone interested. Future watercolor sessions will mostly alternate between Friday mornings and Sunday afternoons at various inspiring locations once a month. Please call ahead or email to reserve your spot. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
Ms. Kukla received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and her Master of Fine Arts in Painting from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.Cynthia has exhibited her paintings, watercolors, works on paper and sculptures on four continents in over fifty solo shows and over two hundred fifty curated or group exhibitions. In 2006, Cynthia was inducted into the Watercolor Honor Society which has only two-hundred members nationwide.